Wednesday, November 3, 2010


From: James Cameron's Avatar
Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at’ite is is an Omaticaya Na'vi who falls in love with a human remotely controlling an Avatar body named Jake. She is awesome! Why? She is 10 feet tall, blue, has biolume dots on her body and kicks ass as a bow hunter. She also spends most of the movie majorly pissed off, but she is really funny. Her clan also lives in a giant tree and worships nature!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Independance Day Aliens

These Aliens show up in grand style from an unknown world! AND then blow major landmarks to kingdom come! These are not friendly aliEns. Leave it to the USA to save the day! A vital plot twist is that their purpose is to find planets, kill everything, take the resources and move on to the next planet. This was done via tentacle-around scientist's vocal cords scene in the lab. (Hey, it's good to know the purpose of your outer space visitors). The mighty do fall via Mac computer virus though. WTF! These Aleins have been here before, in Roswell in the 50's and now their crashed buddies are shacked up in area 51- By the way this place is real, I've seen the warning signs near Rachel, NV or just google map it! See for your self!


This Transformers Universe Alien from the planet Cybertron used to be a Volkswagen Bug in the 80's show. He's a pimped out Cammero in the recent movies, but he's still too cool. Using the radio to communictae he even tried to get his new earth friend Sam Witwicky laid with the one girl in school he is crushing on! Imagine having a Cammero to drive and an alien robot friend to kick ass and fire off canons! I wonder if Bumblebee was weirded out Sam and his girlfriend were feeling each other up on top of him at the end of the first new movie???


Spock is the Toyota Prius hybrid model of the Star Trek Universe. He is from the red-rock covered planten of Vulcan. Spock is the son of Vulcan ambassador Sarek and a human woman Amanda Greyson, hence his hybrid angst! I really enjoyed the 2009 movie and I'm not a Trekkie at all. He opens up a big-ol can of whoop-ass on James Kirk in the film! He is super intelligent but shows little emotion due to his Vulcan half despite begin very deeply emotional. Lets not forget his common motto "Live long and prosper!"

Friday, January 1, 2010


Ka-el is the last survivor of Krypton, planet far away. He comes to Earth, adopted by two farm owners, assumes a geek identity, runs around in colorful underwear and saves the world! More then once! and he looks totally human, can someone please exaplain that to me? But he's polite, honest and totally hot! Christopher Reeves rocked!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Vega Alien

From: Contact starring Jodi Foster. This is a picture of her. If I show the Alien itself it ruins the surprise. One of the greatest Alien movies ever made about first contect received through a satellite transition. The Aleins are from the star cluster called Vega and they send us plans to build a transport for us to visit them. A great vision of what we could find in the future! Lets hope all Aliens are this cool! The movie has a slow build to an awesome finale! Was it all in her head? Was it real? These Aliens find us to be a "unique species, a unique mix, "capable of such beautiful dreams and such horrific nightmares"

Keanu Alien

From: The day the Earth Stood Still remake. Keanu is AWESOMELY BAD! Someone give this man an Oscar! This movie was so bad where do I begin? The kid is annoying, the plot weak, effects lame except for the insect-metal eating things you see for like 1 minute and that giant robot thing? Massive WTF. He plays Klaatu from an unknown world. It also follows the sci-fi cliche of Alien-inhabiting-a -human-body theme.